Frequently Asked Questions
What is the distance from the airport?
About 17 miles (approximately 40 minutes’ drive without traffic)
Where is the nearest bank?
We have several banks and ATM services at the Ridgeways mall (about 200 meters away).
Where is the nearest hospital?
- Aga Khan Hospital, 5.1 miles from HEART Lodge
- AgaKhan Clinic (used by HEART Staff) is five minutes’ drive from HEART Lodge
- M P Shah Hospital is 5.7 miles from HEART Lodge
Where is the nearest forex bureau?
Morgan Forex – Available at the Ridgeways Mall two minutes ‘drive/walking distance.
Nearest malls and shopping centers:
- Ridgeways Mall, two minutes ‘drive/walking distance
- Village Market, 15 minutes’ drive from HEART Lodge
- Sarit Center 15 minutes’ drive from HEART Lodge
- Thika Road Mall 15 Minutes’ drive from HEART Lodge
How to get around?
The quickest and safest way to getting around is by taxi. Nairobi has an efficient network of app-based taxi companies, like UBER, BOLT and LITTLE. Download the apps from the app stores.
An ‘alternative’ means of transportaion is called ‘matatu’. Matatus are minibusses which carry between 14 and 30 passengers. They are frequent and cheap (between 10 and 100 Kshs). But beware: they speed and frequently disobey traffic rules and instances where passengers are robbed should also be a consideration…
Please contact us if you have any questions or want to inquire about availability.